CBD Oil Massage


What is CBD Oil Massage in Maui?

Maui Massage Seashells now offer’s CBD Oil Massages in Maui!

Yes! You can have a CBD Oil Massage in Maui! CBD Oil is Therapeutic Oil used on the body for Pain Relief. CBD Oil is Cannabis flower oil (resin) used for pain relief. Therapeutic CBD Oil is one of a hundred of phytocannabinoids that naturally occurs in resinous cannabis flowers. CBD Oil is non-addictive. CBD oil has no THC in it.

We use one of ‘The Best CBD Oil on the market.’ Happy Buddha Hemp Farms CBD Oil. Happy Buddha Hemp farms CBD plants are grown pesticide free, in the mountains of Colorado. The founders have over 20+ years in the cannabis wellness business. They set the bar for the Hemp Industry. They create full spectrum hemp products unmatched by online vendors (many vendors claim to sell full spectrum products, but they aren’t) Rest assured, you can count on the quality products of Happy Buddha Hemp Farms!

We offer Happy Buddha Hemp Farms Lemongrass CBD Oil, Orange Blossom CBD Oil & Eucalyptus CBD Oil in Maui. We use the oil on your back and neck. We place the oil directly on you (neat) for maximum pain relief. We can of course use the oil on your feet, hands, hips arms or legs. Just let us know where you’re hurting.

Add to your Massage $25

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