Have you ever had a Lomi Lomi (Hawaiian) style Massage? Lomi Lomi Massage is an excellent massage to receive! Lomi Lomi Massage feels amazing! And Lomi Lomi Hot Stone Massage ( Lomi Pohaku) feels even better! The Hawaiians are of Polynesian decent. They created Lomi Lomi Massage. In traditional Hawaiian families there’s always one person that gives massage to their family members. There is no other massage that is similar to Lomi Lomi Massage. It’s a very specific style (modality) of massage. Lomi Lomi massage goes right over your bones and articulations (joints). The long strokes and downward needing strokes release the muscle tissues around and closest to your bones. Lomi Lomi also relaxes your body’s Nervous System the best! Making it possible for the greatest relaxation you’ll ever feel! Lomi Lomi massage is a must to try when you’re in Hawaii and especially in Maui, Hawaii. People come to Paradise to relax, unwind and relieve their stress. Lomi Lomi Massage will help you do exactly that. It will help you get back to your Best Self!